Monday, November 7, 2011


It has been interesting to see how our project has progressed over the semester from Dharawan's initial concept to the creation of the paintMotion. The product has really become each of our's slowly over the semester as we each put in our own individual ideas and research.

As the object person I really enjoyed working with the form, function and aesthetics of the product and how they fit in with the scenario and the behaviour. At times it was challenge because I didn't have a great idea of what technology to use. I did however learn a lot this semester about the technology side of the product and I hope to keep growing on that knowledge. 

As a social telepresence project, I believe that we have created a product that really would help with communication and relationships between people such William and other painters. It encourages its users to do something productive, stimulating and cultivating interaction between other users. 

Along with doing the cad work for the project, I also got to make a model in the workshop and I found that I really enjoyed the opportunity to actually make something. It was a good learning experience as I haven't had much of an opportunity to do that before.  This was all made so much easier as well by Claire and Dharawan providing great scenarios and behaviours that really influenced how the product was designed. 

Even though this product does not solve a problem as such, it enriches the activity of painting, mainly due to the interaction with the actual product and the other painters in their community/ following. The users interaction with the product is vital to its success and how it works. 

What I love about our product is that I can see it actually being made and being really enjoyable to own and use.

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