Wednesday, September 14, 2011


More than a few parents have discovered that a few minutes of divided attention is all it takes for their tyke to blaze a graffiti burner across the living room wall. Junior's gotta express himself, so what to do? University of Wuppertal ID student Dario Jandrijic's KLEXL Interactive Paintingconcept is for a projector that allows digital wall painting by means of an IR tracking camera.
Light pens take the place of crayons, light pixels take the place of those Neo-Expressionist smears, and plugging this thing into the wall'd be a damn sight easier than laying down a tarp and rolling over your child's masterpiece. Plus you can presumably save the images, and reproject them years later when you want to humiliate your child, now in design school, for his poor sense of composition and line quality.


  1. That's really cool! Instead of trying to ban children from actually drawing on the wall, give them a better alternative. What does this have to do with the our design haha?

  2. haha it doesn't really i was just finding information interactive painting and how something follows the actual painting tool. It was more for the technology point of view but i think its a really cool idea. Although there is a danger of the kids not realising that they can only draw on the light and not everyday, anywhere with any pen haha
