Saturday, September 10, 2011

week 7 object workshop

This week in class we split us for our parallel Object Scenario Behaviour workshops. Dharawan is the Behaviour person, Claire the Scenario and myself the Object person. 

In the Behaviour workshop we did some mind mapping exercises to explore our understanding and explore the different aspects of our design. Starting with three key subheadings including Form, Function and Manufacture we branched off these and filled in any possible influences we could think of. 

The mind map above shows the links between aspects of the design that influence each other. This is really important in order to understand what needs to be considered and it can also provide some limitations to the design and therefore may also give us a starting point. This was a little difficult to do whilst in class this week due to us not having decided on a specific scenario yet. However some things will be the same no matter what the scenario. 

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