Monday, August 1, 2011

tangible interactions

"Umbrella term' that describes a set of related research and design approaches focusing on: the design of the interaction instead of the visible interface. It prioritizes as principles of design: 
tangibility and materiality
bodily interaction
•embeddedness in real spaces and contexts

Interactions such as the following are tangible interactions:
- the use of Laser walkers and walking sticks to guide the user
- using the pedestrian traffic lights where the touch, sound and sight are all used to guide its use
- motion sensor lighting and living spaces

Our class discussions on this topic after talking about assistive technologies came up with some interest ideas of how this theory could be implemented using product design. 

One of these ideas came about after discussing how children get lost in supermarkets and can't find their way back to the parents. Therefore there was a suggestion that the parent wear a locator and the child would have a gps laser pointer on him that would direct him back to the parent by showing arrows or directions back to the parent on the ground in front of him. 

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