Tuesday, October 25, 2011

base model part 2

The base of the product was cut from a larger piece of wood and then trimmed with a bandsaw. After getting the rough shape, we then used the lathe to cut down the edges to a precise smooth shape. 

The internal void and the top recess were cut out with a router to precise measurements also. 

As can be seen above, the top of the base has a 1mm recess in which the glass plate sits in. This can be seen in the image below. This recess is also painted white rather than painting the glass.  

In reality, these cog dials above will be made from white rubber however for the model, I used laser cut acrylic. 

This shows that the pot sits in the centre of the base and shows where the rotor will sit within the pot. 

The wheels are set into the glass plate to take the weight of the pot off the servo motor. 

This shows where the cog wheels will fit in within the internal recess. 

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