Monday, October 24, 2011

base model

The modelling of the base was all from a piece of wood. We had to do two bases because the first one flew off the lathe at one point and took a chuck out of it. 

Firstly we cut a section from a plank of wood in the workshop. I had to bandsaw the edges off to give it a rough circular shape. To get the exact shape, we then lathed the rest of the outer wood off and then also sanded it on the lathe. This gave us the basic cylindrical shape and then we had to put in the recess in the top and internally. The base has a 10mm wall and the top also has a 10mm thickness. 

To machine out the internal part, Maurie machined it out with the router as can be seen below. This gave us a precision cut and finish. We then cut out the holes on the side for the cog dials and for the light indicators and the acknowledgment button on the same router. We also drilled the light tubes at this time. 

The process would be much quicker in a mass produced scenario as machines would be set up to do a large amount of the cutting and finishing of this part. 

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