Sunday, October 9, 2011

design development

Our week nine round table with the lectures was quite positive and I think that we got off to a good start. After discussing the details of the water pot, we came to a few conclusions on some things that we need to work on. That included how the pot moved, the output that it gives off, the light source and how the pot receives information and senses the brush movement. 

The basic section drawing was where I was trying to figure out how the base moves in order to rotate the pot. It also shows some LED's, motor, at that time cog and rubber band and batteries are placed. The top sketches show different configurations for the lights. The left is the LEDs placed directly under the edges of the pot with the moving part in the middle and the right is the LEDs directly underneath the pot with the moving part on the outside. 

first section detail (this is not right anymore)

This was the next section that I did. I was doing this with cutting spaces from  a block of wood for the motor and batteries. 

This section has a much simpler manufacturing process by cutting out the centre parts of the wood. I think it might be too tall though because I am unsure if the light will reflect onto the table around it.

This section was designed to make the base smaller and closer to the table surface. I am not sure about the waterproofing or where the lights are going to go. 

This is a sketch of what the above section might look like from the base. 

And this from above. The green part is the base that moves with the light shining from beneath.

Female and male connecting parts to move the pot. The only problem with this is that you would not be able to use any other pots with it. 

Wristband and finger sensor to send information about brush movement to the pot base. The finger part will have a accelerometer in it and the wristband has the sensor and vibration motor in it to allow users to acknowledge each other. 

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